Originally aired on March 27, 2018 The Woman’s Hour Elaine Weiss recalled the women’s suffrage movement’s efforts to promote the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution in 1920, which would allow women the right to vote. Watch the video…...
The Curious Iguana Bookstore event will be Tuesday, March 27, at the C. Burr Artz Library Community Room, Frederick, MD – 7 pm 110 East Patrick Street, Frederick, MD 21701
WYPR interview by TOM HALL & ROB SIVAK • MAR 20, 2018 It’s coming up on 100 years since the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, granting women the right to vote, was ratified by legislatures in the requisite three-fourths of US states. The suffragist movement had...
Parade Magazine interview by Sam Coley, March 19, 2018 It’s been almost 100 years since women won the right to vote, and journalist Elaine Weiss says it’s something this generation of women has taken for granted. “Certainly the culture that is being protested needs to...